Elementary Tuition 2025/2026

Upper Elementary: $10,800/year

Lower Elementary: $11,800/year

  • There is a 10% reduction in tuition for one sibling

  • $100 discount if tuition is paid in full by September 1st.

Financial Responsibilities

Annual Fees: $400 per student

Registration Fee of $50 due in February for all enrolled families.

Additional Information

Tuition is due the first calendar day of each month.  A late fee of $25.00 will be charged for payments received or post-dated after the 5th calendar day of any month. The first tuition payment is due June 1, 2025 and the last tuition payment is due March 1, 2026 All fees (Material, PE and Registration) are per student and non-refundable. Tuition is not discounted for school holidays, school breaks (Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring or Summer break), family vacations or student illnesses.

Cedar Tree offers a 10% reduction in tuition for the first enrolled sibling of a family. There is a $100, per student, discount if tuition is paid in full by August 1, 2025.  Deposits and Fees are per student and non-refundable.

By signing this Tuition Agreement you are agreeing to pay tuition for the entire academic year. If withdrawing a student, there is a transition fee of two month’s tuition due for each student for all withdrawals made after this contract is signed. An unpaid tuition balance will prevent Cedar Tree from relinquishing academic files, re-enrolling, or continuing services to your child. Cedar Tree Montessori does not discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual identification or orientation.